CMC Training Facility General Safety and Sanitation
1. Do not attend or enter the training facility if you have any of the following:
Known exposure within 5 days to someone who tested positive for Covid 19 or are experiencing a fever, respiratory or other symptoms associated with Cold/Flu/Covid 19/other contagious illnesses in the past 24 hours.
2. All coaches, staff and students are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before entering the facility. Spray bottles of alcohol are available for cleaning the aerial equipment.
4. Masks are not required at CMC. All coaches, staff and students may wear a mask in the facility at any time, especially when relaxing/socializing in the retail or locker room area.
5. Inside the facility, proper attire is required at all times. Yoga/workout clothing, socks, leg warmers, etc area all appropriate depending on the nature of your attendance. For pole attire, all garments must be intended as outerwear and all private body parts must be covered at all times. Underwear, and many bikini bathing suits, and NOT allowed as pole attire. You should have a reasonable expectation that your clothing is opaque enough and has enough fabric to firmly stay in place throughout vigorous dance activities. When you are outside the studio, appropriate street clothing/coverage is required.
6. Please remove street shoes outside the studio and place them on shoe rack or carry them into the locker room area. DANCING SHOES/HEELS OR FITNESS SHOES ONLY IN THE STUDIOS. NO CRYSTALS/STUDS/SHARP DECORATIONS ALLOWED. NO EXCEPTIONS.
7. You may use a locker or bring your belongings to your pole/hammock/dance space. You will be provided a freshly laundered pole towel and alcohol is available to wipe down all equipment after use.
9. Floors will be cleaned nightly. All towels laundered with sanitize cycle after each use. All handles including doors, sweepers, bottles, etc, will be wiped daily/between uses with disinfectant cleaners.